To ensure that Local Development Plans (LDP) are kept up-to-date, local planning authorities are required to commence a full review of their LDPs at least once every four years following adoption, or sooner if the findings of the Annual Monitoring Reports (AMR) indicate significant concerns with a plan’s implementation.
LDP review is the task of evaluating the extent to which an adopted LDP is functioning effectively. The Regulations allow for a ‘selective review’ to look at part(s) of a LDP, or a ‘full review’ which looks at the entire LDP.
Local Development Plan Review Report
A full review of the Monmouthshire LDP commenced in 2017, with the publication of the Draft Review Report. This report was subject to consultation for an eight week period between 11 December 2017 and 5 February 2018. A summary of the key issues raised from the consultation responses, broken down by question, can be viewed here. The full summary of consultation responses, incorporating Monmouthshire County Council’s responses and recommended changes, can be viewed here.
The responses received from the consultation have been considered and incorporated into the final Review Report as appropriate. Based on the evidence contained in the Review Report, it is concluded that the LDP should be revised and that this should take the form of a full revision procedure, i.e. a new LDP. It is also concluded that the Monmouthshire LDP should be revised on an individual basis.