Monmouthshire County Council (MCC) is committed to building sustainable and resilient communities. Central to this are the principles of social justice. The current Administration have demonstrated their commitment to Social Justice through their appointment of a new Cabinet Member for Social Justice and the development of this Social Justice Strategy which demonstrates how the Council will address inequalities in our county in order to make our society function better. It provides an approach that will help turn lives around by removing barriers and facilitating practical support and solutions to enable our citizens to realise their full potential.
Our Purpose
MCC has a clear purpose. We shape this in line with the goals and ambitions of our partners in other public services that are part of the Monmouthshire PSB. MCC’s Corporate Business Plan provides direction and sets out the things we will be working on for the next four years, taking us up to the end of the political term in 2022.
We want to help build sustainable and resilient communities that support the well-being of current and future generations.
This purpose is at the heart of everything we do to improve the economic, social, environmental and cultural well-being of Monmouthshire. We will consider sustainable development in how we plan and deliver the action set in this plan.