Monmouthshire Food Partnership is a county-wide collaboration of people and organisations from all walks of life who think food is worth taking seriously. We are part of a UK-wide network of Food Partnerships who are all working together to champion good food and create sustainable local food systems that everyone can access and enjoy.
We work to the Sustainable Food Places framework, which covers six key issues:
- Governance and Strategy
- Healthy Food for All
- Food for the Planet
- Good Food Movement
- Sustainable Food Economy
- Catering and Procurement
We are so lucky to be working in Monmouthshire. Ours is a rural county that produces lots of food (and could potentially produce even more), while some of our key local and regional decision-makers have put the natural environment and social justice at the top of their agendas, and recognised that good food is central to achieving their ambitions.
What is a food system?
The food system has been described as ‘everything that happens from farm to fork, from paddock to plate and from soil to stomach so that we can all eat every day. So it’s farming, it’s food processing and manufacturing, it’s transport and logistics, it’s retail and marketing, it’s consumption – eating and cooking, and it’s dealing with waste and recycling. The food system impacts climate change, biodiversity and human health in very major ways. It’s everyone’s business and we all need to be involved in whatever way we can.’
What we do
Through its Steering Group and wide network of members and supporters, Monmouthshire Food Partnership aims to:
• Connect people, projects and partners trying to create a sustainable local food system.
• Take collective action to shape the local food system.
• Be a collective voice for food that positively shapes policy and shares best practice.
That means we run projects, seek and distribute funding, link people together, and advise and support anyone interested in improving our food system to spread the joy and love of good food.
At policy and strategy level, Monmouthshire Food Partnership is a strategic delivery partner for Gwent Public Services Board’s Wellbeing Objectives, and we are referenced in Monmouthshire County Council’s Community and Corporate Plan. Reflecting our geographical location, we are also working with local authorities and food partnerships cross-border to complement the activities of the emerging Marches Forward Partnership. Monmouthshire Food Partnership is grateful to have been funded by Welsh Government and Sustainable Food Places.
People in Monmouthshire County Council
Monmouthshire Food Partnership is hosted by Monmouthshire County Council and coordinated by the Sustainable Food Team.

Visit the website >
News & Events

Curing the winter blues in Monmouthshire with sunshine curry meal kits
Monmouthshire is tackling the winter blues by distributing 120 ‘sunshine curry’ meal kits to five venues supporting food provisions across the county.
Read more > Curing the winter blues in Monmouthshire with sunshine curry meal kits – Monmouthshire

Grants available for community food projects
Monmouthshire Food Partnership is seeking applications from third-sector organisations, community groups and social enterprises who are contributing to Monmouthshire’s good food movement.
Read more > Monmouthshire Food Partnership Grants – Monmouthshire

Permaculture at Farm Scale Course
In this course you will first learn the basics of farm-scale permaculture, then go in-depth through field sessions on local farms to learn more about how to apply the principles to your own land and business.
Read more > Permaculture at Farm Scale Course

On Saturday 9th March, the historic St Mary’s Priory and Tithe Barn played host to the family-friendly event, giving attendees the opportunity to explore the best fresh produce and artisanal delights from Monmouthshire and the surrounding area
Read more > Celebrating Abergavenny’s free Spring Food Fair

Monmouthshire County Council invites your views on our Local Food Strategy. MCC is developing a local food strategy that will guide our future work.
Read more > Local Food Strategy – Monmouthshire

Spring Food Fair
Buy local. Shop sustainably. Say hello to the best growers and producers in/around Monmouthshire (25 exhibitors). Shop for staple foods. Have a little taster. Sign up to a box scheme. Enjoy live music and talks. There will be children’s activities too. Plus local groups sharing their work, creating a fairer, more sustainable and healthy food system in the county.

Monmouthshire Food Partnership Small Grants: Community Growing
Small grants now available to help get your growing activities off the ground. >

Welsh Veg in Schools
Monmouthshire pupils get hands-on experience at Langtons Farm >