Monmouthshire has a number of specialist provisions to help and support those under the age of 25 who are threatened with, or have become, homeless.
Housing Options Team Contact us:
Phone number: 01633 644 644
Email address:
Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 8.45 – 5.00pm, Friday 8.45 – 4.30pm
Emergency out of hours number: 01633 644 644
16-17 year olds
If you are 16 or 17 years old and worried about becoming homeless, or have become homeless, you can speak to your Compass youth worker in school or contact the Housing Options Team directly.
A Housing Options Officer will speak to you about your current housing situation and Social Services will also carry out an assessment to make sure you are safe and have what you need.
If things between you and your parents or guardians aren’t great, or you have been asked to leave your family home, your Housing Options Officer may refer you for mediation. If you do not have anywhere to stay your Housing Options officer will refer you for temporary accommodation.
18-25 year olds
If you have been asked to leave home or the place you have been staying, the first thing to do is to contact us straight away. A Housing Options Officer will speak to you about your current situation. Your Housing Options Officer will, where appropriate, contact your parent or guardian and refer you both to the mediation service. You can also be referred for additional support through the Monmouthshire Youth Outreach, or MOYO, service.
What if this does not work/ I am homeless?
If you remain homeless following mediation, or if it is decided that mediation is not appropriate, your Housing Options officer will continue through the homeless application process with you. You can find more information about this process, including Temporary Accommodation (click to view Homelessness link).
You can also continue to receive support through Monmouthshire Youth Outreach (MOYO) service.
What is mediation?
Mediation is when a neutral third party works with you and your family to try to resolve any conflict or arguments. The aim is to resolve any issues between you and your care giver that are preventing you from being able to live at your home.
MOYO- Monmouthshire Youth Outreach-provide specialist Young Peoples housing related outreach support provision across Monmouthshire supporting Young people.
(16-24) with a wide range of support needs. MOYO support workers will meet Young People who are at risk of homelessness or placed in Temporary accommodation to asses and help identify the support they may need, including:
- Making sure that they feel safe.
- Supporting them to build skills to gain and maintain safe and stable accommodation.
- Maximising their income, budget planning, and supporting them to deal with issues around debts/bills.
- Supporting individuals to identify their aspirations in terms of meaningful use of time, including accessing and attending training / education / employment.
- Support to access health services and employ strategies to manage their mental and physical wellbeing.
Referral to MOYO is made via the Housing Support Gateway :-
Telephone : 01633 740730
Email :
The Compass team work with young people from the age of 11 up to 25. Compass workers can be found in secondary schools and out in the community. If you would like a referral to the Compass team you can speak to them in school/ sixth form or refer yourself directly through their website (click here to access the Compass website).
The Compass team provides:
- Early Identification to help prevent homelessness; including awareness of it.
- Advocacy to help you present and access support if you become homeless.
- Emotional, mental and issue based support.
- Advocacy and support to help you with and to sustain family relationships.
- Support to access and develop independent living and budgeting skills.
- Access training and employment.
- Work as part of or help build a support network around you with partners that include schools, colleges, health services and more.
I am a care leaver
If you are 21 or under, homeless, and were a looked after child your Housing Options officer will speak to you about your homelessness to carry out an assessment and refer you for temporary accommodation.
You don’t have to be homeless to access support. If you have any concerns or worries about your housing you can self-refer for support (click to view Housing Support).
Click here to view more information and fact sheets.