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Pay your Building Regulations

PLEASE NOTE: Legislation requires that Building Notice applications must be paid up front and in full, otherwise we are unable to process your application.

Building Control Fees

Please read these guidance notes before working out your fee from the tables below.
If you have a fee query, please contact your surveyor direct

Table A – New Dwellings

 Fee VATTotal with VAT 
One single new dwelling (less than 300m2)£1035.00 £207.00 £1,242.00 
Two dwellings or more, new flats or one dwelling more than 300m2 Please contact the Building Control Team for a fee

Table B – For certain domestic buildings, alterations and extensions

Type of workFeeVATTotal with VAT
This is the set fee for the extension only. 

Other work should be assessed separately under Table C. 
Where the total floor area of the extension does not exceed 10m2 £483.00 £96.60 £579.60 
Where the total floor area of the extension exceeds 10m2 but does not exceed 60m2 £690.00 £138.00 £828.00 
Where the total floor area of the extension exceeds 60m2 but does not exceed 80m2 £828.00 £165.60 £993.60 
(if an extension has a floor area exceeding 80m2 then the fee should be based on the estimated cost of the work (Table C)).  
Erection of, or extension to a building being a garage or a carport, which total floor area does not exceed 60m2, used in conjunction with a domestic property.£483.00 £96.60 £579.60 
The minimum acceptable (total) fee for a loft conversion £690.00 £138.00 £828.00 
Fees for loft conversions in excess of 60m2 refer to Table C.   
Single element (e.g. adding insulation (external or internal) to a single element such as a floor, wall or roof). £207.00 £41.40 £248.40
Multiple elements (e.g. adding insulation (external or internal) to two or more elements £276.00 £55.20 £331.20 
Replacement window(s) installation(s) per property £207.00 £41.40 £248.40
Electrical installations £345.00 £69.00 £414.00
Solar Panels per property £207.00 £41.40 £248.40
Solid Fuel/Heating appliances (e.g. log burners) per installation £207.00 £41.40 £248.40

Table C – Estimated Cost of work

 EstimateFee VAT Total with VAT
£0 – £2,000 £207.00 £41.40 £248.40 
£2,001 – £8,000 £345.00 £69.00 £414.00
£8,001 – £13,000 £483.00 £96.60 £579.60
£13,001 – £19,000 £517.50 £103.50 £621.00
£19,001 – £25,000 £552.00 £110.40 £662.40
£25,001 – £30,000 £621.00 £124.20 £745.20
£30,001 – £36,000 £690.00 £138.00 £828.00
£36,001 – £41,000 £759.00 £151.80 £910.80
£41,001 – £48,000 £828.00 £165.60 £993.60
£48,001 – £50,000 £897.00 £179.40 £1,076.40
£50,001 – £61,000 £966.00 £193.20 £1,159.20
£61,001 – £73,000 £1,035.00 £207.00 £1,242.00
£73,001 – £86,000 £1,173.00 £234.60 £1,407.60
£86,001 – £98,000 £1,311.00 £262.20 £1,573.20
£98,001 – £122,000 £1,449.00 £289.80 £1,738.80
£122,001 – £140,000 £1,587.00 £317.40 £1,904.40
£140,001 – £160,000 £1,656.00 £331.20 £1,987.20 
£160,001 – £180,000 £1,794.00 £358.80 £2,152.80
£180,001 – £200,000 £1,932.00 £386.40 £2,318.40

For estimated costs of work valuing £200,001 and over, please contact your surveyor