The Budget Proposals for 2023-2024
Have your say – ways to get involved:
The Budget Survey
Face-to-face budget consultation events
Monday 23rd January, 6pm. Caldicot Hub, Woodstock Way, Caldicot Tuesday 24th January, 6pm. Chepstow Hub, Manor Way, Chepstow Wednesday 25th January, 6pm. Usk Hub, 35 Maryport St, Usk Thursday 26th January, 6pm. Shire Hall, Monmouth Tuesday 31st January, 6pm. Magor CIW Primary School, Magor Tuesday 7th February, 6pm, Abergavenny Hub, Abergavenny |
Online budget consultation events:
Thursday 2nd February, 10am & 6pm (two sessions)
Press releases below:
Budget consultation in the midst of the cost of living crisis
Press release issued 10/1/23
The cost of living crisis is challenging for everyone – including the council. Monmouthshire County Council is facing unprecedented cost pressures of £26million. Energy costs, inflation and price rises, pay awards and rising interest rates are all contributing factors. The cabinet will meet on the 18th January to agree a strategy to address these pressures. It will include a higher than expected funding boost from Welsh Government, service changes, staffing efficiencies, raising of fees and charges, and increasing the level of council tax. Monmouthshire’s communities will be invited to share their views on these possible changes in an open consultation process that will start on Wednesday 18th January and run until noon on Thursday 16th February.
Cllr. Mary Ann Brocklesby, Leader said: “In this budget we’re determined to do all we can to support our communities during a cost of living crisis despite the financial challenges the council is facing.
“This is a budget that still delivers on our core priorities. Our draft Community and Corporate plan has shaped our draft budget proposals. Our budget proposals are offering children the best possible start in life with more money for schools and for those requiring additional service and support. We will continue to support our older residents retain their independence. We will ensure that the most vulnerable people in our communities are supported whilst protecting our leisure centres and libraries, recognising their important role in the wellbeing of our communities. Our commitment to modernising our schools remains as does our intent to work towards a low carbon Monmouthshire through continued investment in cycle routes, roads, and footpaths, and improved broadband.
“It’s also a budget that looks to the future and positions the council to take on some of the biggest challenges facing our county and society more generally. Our focus is on making sure Monmouthshire is:
A fair place to live where the effects of inequality and poverty have been reduced
A green place to live and work with reduced carbon emissions, making a positive contribution to addressing the climate and nature emergency
A thriving and ambitious place, full of hope and enterprise
A safe place to live where people have a home and community where they feel secure
A connected place where people feel part of a community, are valued and connected
A learning place where everybody has the opportunity to reach their potential.”
Cllr. Rachel Garrick, Cabinet Member for Resources said: “We are pleased that Welsh Government has acknowledged the challenges faced by local authorities in Wales. Notwithstanding the fact that Welsh Government has not received sufficient funding from UK Government to allow it to meet the full extent of the financial challenges facing public services at this time, a 9.3% increase in our settlement is very welcome and more than we expected – it means that we have been able to better protect important services like social care and school budgets.
“Monmouthshire continues to be more reliant on council tax income than any other council in Wales to meet the needs of communities. Given the scale of the challenge it is inevitable that council tax will need to rise, although at a rate well below inflation. At council tax increase of 5.95% is proposed for 2023-2024. Council tax is a key source of income that allows the council to sustain services that meet the needs of residents and in particular those who are most vulnerable.
“The council tax reduction scheme, which offers mitigation for those on low incomes and those in receipt of benefits, will still be in place and single person households are also eligible for a 25% reduction on council tax.
“Most fees and charges will increase. Charges in areas such as domiciliary and residential care will continue to be means tested and capped to limit the impact on those with the lowest incomes.
“The council continues to lead by example in committing to pay all staff in line with the Real Living Wage set by the Living Wage Foundation. For 2023-2024 the intention is to extend this to all of our commissioned care settings. Everyone delivering paid care in Monmouthshire should be fairly rewarded.”
Residents are encouraged to offer their views on the proposals, which be available from Wednesday 18th January at www.monmouthshire.gov.uk/budget-2023-2024/.
Face-to-face budget consultation events are taking place across Monmouthshire as follows:
Monday 23rd January, 6pm. Caldicot Hub, Woodstock Way, Caldicot
Tuesday 24th January, 6pm. Chepstow Hub, Manor Way, Chepstow
Wednesday 25th January, 6pm. Usk Hub, 35 Maryport St, Usk
Thursday 26th January, 6pm. Shire Hall, Monmouth
Tuesday 31st January, 6pm. Magor CIW Primary School, Magor
Tuesday 7th February, 6pm, Abergavenny Hub, Abergavenny
In addition, two online budget sessions are taking place on Thursday 2nd February, at 10am and 6pm. Register to take part in the virtual events via the budget page on the council’s website and an email will be sent with a link to join the event. You can pre-submit your questions or raise them during the session. For those unable to join the events, the online sessions will be uploaded to the website to watch after the event.
As part of the consultation process, which is open until noon on 16th February 2023, residents are also being asked to share their thoughts via a feedback survey on the budget proposals, which will be found alongside all the proposals at Budget 2023-2024 – Monmouthshire. “These are draft proposals and we want to know your views. So please visit our website from 18th January and have your say,” added Cllr. Brocklesby.
(Below: news issued 22/12/22)
Monmouthshire County Council welcomes news of increased funding for the forthcoming financial year but significant challenges ahead remain
Monmouthshire County Council today received confirmation from Welsh Government that it will receive a 9.3% increase in its core funding next year. This compares to the 7.9% average for Wales – councils across Wales have received settlements ranging from increases of 6.5% to 9.3%. This welcome news will allow the Council to lessen the degree to which it will need to bring forward saving proposals that would otherwise impact on services.
Cllr. Mary Ann Brocklesby, Leader said: “This is a better than expected local government settlement from Welsh Government, which rightly recognises the extraordinary role of our local services alongside the NHS in Wales. I am grateful to Welsh ministers for listening to us as council leaders. The Chancellor’s autumn statement was not sufficient to protect public service budgets against the immense challenges caused by record inflation. This shows what can be achieved for communities in Wales when local and Welsh Government works together.
“Notwithstanding the increased level of funding for next year, the Council is suffering in the same way as its residents amidst a cost of living crisis. Demand and inflationary pressures significantly outweigh the additional funding received from Welsh Government and difficult decisions will still need to be taken to ensure that our services remain viable and sustainable. Our focus will remain on protecting those most vulnerable and in need across Monmouthshire”.
Cllr. Rachel Garrick, Cabinet Member for Resources said: “The provisional settlement has offered only a partial lifeline to the Council. Services continue to remain under intense pressure and we are continuing to see funding from UK Government falling short of inflationary and demand pressures. Whilst the above average increase in settlement for the Council is very welcome, we must still recognise that the Council remains firmly rooted to the bottom of the table for the amount of funding per capita it receives from Welsh Government, which means that the Council has to raise a significantly higher proportion of its funding from council tax and other sources compared to its counterparts”.
The Council’s draft budget proposals will be considered by its Cabinet at a meeting on the 18th January 2023 and will then be released for public consultation. The local community and partner organisations will have an opportunity to share their views on the proposals at face to face events, Teams Livestream events or online. Further information will be provided on the Council’s website – monmouthshire.gov.uk – details of all consultation events and information about the survey will be shared in the New Year.