iConnect – Monmouthshire Housing Association
Shared Prosperity Fund case study
iConnect is a digital inclusion project supporting the residents of Monmouthshire with basic IT skills and the skills to get online and navigate the online world effectively and safely. We hold drop-in sessions over the county where residents can pop-in and have support from our team of iConnect Digital Champions with any digital issue. iConnect also supports participants with data and device poverty, giving SIM cards loaded with data or loaning devices such as laptops, tablets and smart phones.
Our digital champions provide their skills and time to support our staff an participants with all levels of digital support. They volunteer their time, a few hours a week – whatever suits their schedule and ability and are present at our drop-ins and event to help participants with any queries they may have. Our volunteers have a wealth of digital knowledge and are really supportive to the customers that come to us for help
Each individual that has been involved on the project have told us that volunteering has had a massive impact on their lives. The volunteers that have become our iConnect ‘Digital Champions’ joined us with low confidence and since spending time supporting the project, have said that friends and family have noticed that this is much improved. Some of our volunteers are neurodivergent and have struggled with eye contact and simple conversations, their experience on the project has had a positive impact on their lives and has improved their ability to communicate with others.
“Our volunteers are the unique selling point of our project! We couldn’t achieve what we do without them and we are so grateful for their time and passion for the project. We are overwhelmed with the achievements they have made during their journey with iConnect, we hope that they continue to work with us for the duration of the project.”
For more info contact:
iConnect – Monmouthshire Housing Association
These projects are funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.