Getting married or forming your civil partnership in Monmouthshire

The first decision to be made when planning your wedding or civil partnership is where you would like to hold your ceremony. You can choose from:
- the register office in Usk
- one of our approved venues
- or a church or registered building
- You may not form a civil partnership in church.
Register Office

The Register Office is situated at Rhadyr, Usk. You may marry or form your civil partnership in the company of up to four guests. The Register Office is available Monday to Wednesday and would comprise the basic legal requirements only.
If you have more than four guests or you wish to personalise the ceremony, we can also offer The Old Parlour at Usk; for the bride and groom and up to 40 guests. This room is available seven days a week.
More information is available on:
As of 13 March 2014 the Marriages (Same Sex Couples) Act 2013 comes into force, enabling couples of the same sex to marry (as opposed to forming a Civil Partnership) For more information please see:
Provisions for couples to convert their civil partnership into marriage were implemented on 10 December 2014.
The revised regulations were approved by Parliament and the policy now offers more choice for couples on how and where they convert their civil partnership into marriage.
The Gov.uk website contains a summary of the provisions.
Stonewall, the gay, lesbian and bisexual charity, have now produced a guide to getting married for same sex couples.