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When determining applications the following are considered:

  • Local development plan * Policy and advice set out by the Welsh Assembly Government in Planning Policy Wales and Technical Advice Notes
  • Other material considerations, such as:
    • Relevant national and local planning policies
    • Appearance and character of the development, layout and density
    • Traffic generation, highway safety and parking/servicing – Overshadowing, overlooking, noise disturbance, odours or other loss of amenity

Planning applications can be determined either by officers under delegated powers or by Planning Committee. Monmouthshire County Council has a Delegation Scheme and a flow chart of the scheme can be found here.

Most decisions will be delegated to officers to speed up the process. These applications do not have to go to Planning Committee. Officers write a report and make a recommendation prior to the final decision being made.

On some applications, officers consult with the Delegation Panel, which consists of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Opposition. The Delegation Panel review the officers report and the submitted plans and seek to attend site (if required) to review proposed development and to review the concerns that have been made. This site visit is for Panel members to review the specifics of the site, members of the public and community council are able to attend the meetings and informally raise their concerns directly with the members. If considered the appropriate course of action, the Panel can instruct that Planning Committee determine the application.