Help in Monmouthshire
Severn Wye – Energy, sustainability and wellbeing now, and for the future.
Severn Wye’s community-based energy advice team is available with free advice and support to make sure you can stay warm and healthy at home. Based in the community here in Monmouthshire, our energy advisers are in your corner with help and support to heat and power your home affordably. We can help with everything from energy efficiency advice and finding the right energy tariff, to speaking with your supplier if you fall behind on bills. Our advisers will be by your side to make sure you feel in control.
Call our free advice line Tel: 0800 170 1600 or Visit: Severn Wye Website
Pension Credit
Pension Credit gives you extra money to help with your living costs if you’re over State Pension age and on a low income. Pension Credit can also help with housing costs such as ground rent or service charges.
You might get extra help if you’re a carer, severely disabled, or responsible for a child or young person.
Pension Credit is separate from your State Pension.
You can get Pension Credit even if you have other income, savings or own your own home.
Find out if you’re eligible for Pension Credit and how much you could get.
You’ll need details of:
- earnings, benefits and pensions
- savings and investments
You’ll need the same details for your partner if you have one.
Click here to watch the helping you with pension credit video for more information on how to apply >
If you need further advice/support using the website please contact the Community Development Team.
Help With Energy Bills
If you are struggling to pay your energy bills you should let your energy supplier know as soon as you can as they may be able to help you find a solution.
The UK government provides means tested benefits to help with the cost of fuel. You can find more information on these below:
Cold Weather Payments – This is a payment for eligible households if the average temperature where you live is zero degree Celsius or below for over 7 consecutive days.
Warm Home Discount Scheme – If you receive the Guaranteed Credit element of Pension Credit or are on a low income you may be entitled to a one-off discount on your electricity bill.
Get Help with the Cost of Living – Welsh Government support and advice for households.
Help for Households – A UK government initiative which provides support and advice for households.
Heating your Home – The Energy Saving Trust provides guidance on low carbon heating systems.
ECO4 Flex – You may be entitled to grant funded support to undertake energy efficiency improvements to your property.
Useful Tips to Save Energy
Gas, electricity, and water bills make up a large part of your household spending, so its worth considering how you can reduce your energy bills through some simple changes:
- Make sure you are on the most competitive tariff. Switching your energy tariff or supplier could help you save on your bills and OFGEM provide a useful guide on how to do this.
- Turning down your heating thermostat down by 1 degree
- Don’t obstruct radiators, this prevents them circulating the heat effectively.
- Fit energy efficient LED lightbulbs
- Don’t leave electrical appliances on standby, turn them off at the plug.
- Switch the lights off in the rooms you are not using.
- Draw your curtains and blinds at night at this helps keep the heat in.
- Close doors to keep the heat in rooms.
- Use washing machines and dryers at full capacity unless you have half load settings.
- If you have an old inefficient boiler, consider replacing it with an A rated boiler (you may be eligible for grant funding towards this cost under the ECO4 Flex scheme.
- If you are on a water meter, consider investing in a water butt to collect water for your garden or to wash your car.
- Consider insulating your loft. The current standard depth of insulation is 270mm and you could be eligible for assistance to have insulation installed or to top up to the new depth.
- Always check your bill to make sure that the meter readings are correct.
- Consider changing a standard shower head to water efficient one. If you have a mixer shower then you could fit a shower flow regulator.
- When cooking on a hob use just enough water to boil your food.
You may be eligible for ECO4 Flex grant support to undertake energy efficiency improvements to your property. You can find out more information on ECO4 Flex here.