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Are you looking after someone?

They maybe a family member, friend or neighbour who is elderly, ill or disabled and they couldn’t manage without your help. 
Have you ever thought that you may be a carer?

If so, you are a carer!

“Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Bill defines ‘carer’ as
“Carer” means a person who provides or intends to provide care for an adult or disabled child; a person is not a carer for the purposes of this Act if the person provides or intends to provide care.

(a) Under or by virtue of a contract or

(b) As voluntary work

It’s natural that many of us will not see ourselves as a carers, because we view ourselves as a mum, dad, wife, husband, friend, neighbour, relative, partner of the person we are helping in their day-to-day life. However, when caring for someone it’s easy to forget about you, and your own health and well-being which is why it’s important that you recognise when you need support and are able to ask others for that support. 

Caring for someone can have a huge impact on your life, no matter how willingly you do it. Caring can happen at any age, it can happen slowly, it might be something you’ve always done, it might be something that’s expected of you or it might be something that you no longer feel able or willing to do. 

Initially you may not feel that you need support but over time this may change and it’s important you know where to turn.

At the Monmouthshire Carers Network we are here to support carers. We also support other organisations and professionals so they are better able to identify when someone is in a caring role, so they can offer the right support and information too

Someone looking after a child/children who does not have a disability or life-limiting illness.

Someone who works or volunteers in care, such as a care worker, medical staff and community workers.