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Monmouthshire County Council spends in the region of £120k per annum on milk products.  We are legally required to procure our supply through a competitive process.  The change in supplier is as a result of the recent changes in the procurement process.

The Food Framework is a collaborative approach with 20 other Welsh public bodies, which was recently re-tendered, and the bids were evaluated against 30% price and 70% quality. Monmouthshire has enjoyed an excellent working relationship with Raglan Dairy, who were appointed through the Welsh Public Sector Collaborative Food Framework, and we thank them for the level of service during this period.  

Raglan Dairy submitted bid and was awarded secondary supplier status. The supplier who came first, and was awarded primary supplier status, was Totally Welsh, a dairy based in West Wales. Totally Welsh sought to agree an approach with Raglan Dairy, however an agreement was not reached.

The Council remains committed to working with local suppliers and is currently considering its options, which may include a stand-alone procurement of milk products. The Council does, however, need to ensure the approach we adopt is legally compliant and that there will be sufficient supplier interest to justify deviating from the all-Wales collaborative approach. If this option is pursued, there will be a lead in time, and there is no guarantee that a local supplier will be successful. Monmouthshire County Council’s desire to buy locally wherever possible is well-known. In the recent procurement exercise, price was not the determining factor, quality evaluation was. Our desire has been superseded by contract law.
