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You can find out if you need planning permission or building control on our advice page.

Applying for planning permission

Please download the Welsh government guidance to see whether you need permission for any proposed householder extensions/outbuildings.

An application can be submitted electronically to Monmouthshire County Council using the Planning Portal, along with advice about the planning system.

Paper submissions are also acceptable. Application forms can be downloaded by following the relevant links below.

Advice on completing the forms is available via the duty officer on 01633 644831 or by making a personal visit to the planning department.

A fee is required for the majority of planning applications. You can now pay for planning applications online.

The completed forms should be returned to:

Planning Department
Monmouthshire County Council
PO Box 106
NP26 9AN


From 1st September 2014 new regulations come into force for non-material amendments. Welsh Government have issued  Non Material Amendments Guidance Notes that provides further details but if you are unsure as to whether this applies to your development then contact the planning team on 01633 644831.

For extensions / alterations or new structures in and around your home:

There may be occasions when you require a quicker decision on your planning application or lawful development certificate.We now offer a Fast Track service for Householder applications and Lawful Development Certificates (LDCs) (existing and proposed).

For other types of development including change of use, telecommunications, outline planning permission, and all other extensions and external alterations to commercial premises:
Planning permission application
Planning permission application help guide

Outline planning permission application with some matters reserved
Outline planning permission application some matters reserved help guide
Outline planning permission application with all matters reserved
Outline planning permission application with all matters reserved help guide

Application For Reserved Matters Following Outline Approval
Application For Reserved Matters Following Outline Approval Help Guide
Application For Removal Or Variation of A Condition For An Approved Permission
Application For Removal Or Variation of A Condition For An Approved Permission Help Guide

For any alterations (internal or external) or total or substantial demolition of building structures within a conservation area:

Application For Conservation Area Consent For Demolition
Application For Conservation Area Consent For Demolition Help Guide

For any alterations (internal or external) to a listed building:

Application For Listed Building Consent For Alterations, Extensions Or Demolition
Application For Listed Building Consent For Alterations, Extensions Or Demolition Help Guide

For the display of adverts:

Application For Consent To Display An Advertisement(s)
Application For Consent To Display An Advertisement(s) Help Guide

For agricultural works & hedgerow:

Agricultural Notification For A Proposed Building
Agricultural Notification For A Proposed Building Help Guide
Agricultural Notification For A Proposed Road
Agricultural Notification For A Proposed Road Help Guide

Agricultural Notification Declaration
Agricultural Notification Checklist

Application For Hedgerow Removal
Application For Hedgerow Removal Help Guide

Application to Discharge a Condition

To establish if an existing use, operation or activity is lawful:

Application For A Lawful Development Certificate For An existing Use / Operation / Activity Including Those In Breach Of A Planning Condition
Application For A Lawful Development Certificate For An Existing Use /Operation / Activity Including Those In Breach Of A Planning Condition Help Guide

Application For A Lawful Development Certificate For A Proposed Use Or Development

Application For A Lawful Development Certificate For A Proposed Use Or Development Help Guide

Notification to land owner:

Notification Certificate To Inform Landowner Of Application

Consultation and publicity

When a planning application is registered, the following are informed:

  • Town or community councils
  • Other statutory or appropriate bodies such as Environment Agency
  • Sections within the council eg: highways, building control
  • Neighbours

Site Notices are displayed where appropriate and press notices are advertised in The Free Press on Wednesdays.

Consultees are normally given 21 days to response.

Applications can be viewed and tracked online. You can make comments or objections on any current applications. Please note that the application reference number will be required to make a comment or objection. Your comment will be reviewed by a planning officer and will be taken into consideration as part of the overall decision making process. For any assistance, please contact or phone 01633 644 880

The Local Info facility enables interested parties to be made aware of applications in the vicinity of their property/postcode.

Representations may be made after the date given if the application has not been determined but a time extension should be agreed with the case officer.

The case officer is normally available to answer queries relating to the application. They can be contacted on the Planning Hotline 01633 644880.

Anyone can make representations on planning applications, whether in support of application or objecting to it. They must be submitted in writing by email.

The council can only take into account planning considerations which include:

  • The effect on traffic or parking
  • The appearance of the proposal
  • Overlooking or disturbance
  • Loss of light or privacy
  • Impact on the local environment
  • Whether the proposed use is suitable

The council cannot take into account matters such as loss of property value, private disputes between neighbours, matters covered by leases or covenants and competition between firms.

Important information on making representations

Be aware that representations will be publicly available on the website. Make sure that any comments are not defamatory or offensive.
The council reserves the right to remove from the website the entirety of any comment which it believes is defamatory, offensive or personal. Signatures and contact numbers are not necessary but will not be made public if provided.

Planning fees

There isn’t a charge for inspecting planning files whether current or determined.

The following charges will be made for information:

  • Decision Notice – free, all requests should be in writing quoting reference numbers
  • Photocopying:
    up to 9 copies – free
    10 or more – 10p per sheet
    A0, A1 and A2 plans – £5 per sheet
  • Site History – £30 per hour (or part hour)

A separate scale of charges applies for planning application feesYou can pay for planning applications online.

Making decisions on planning applications

When determining applications the following are considered:

  • Local development plan
  • Policy and advice set out by the Welsh Assembly Government in Planning Policy Wales and Technical Advice Notes
  • Other material considerations, such as:
    – Relevant national and local planning policies
    – Appearance and character of the development, layout and density
    – Traffic generation, highway safety and parking/servicing
    – Overshadowing, overlooking, noise disturbance, odours or other loss of amenity

Planning applications can be determined either by officers under delegated powers or by Planning Committee.

Monmouthshire County Council has a Delegation Scheme. Most decisions will be delegated to officers to speed up the process. These applications do not have to go to Planning Committee. Officers write a report and make a recommendation. On some applications officers consult with Delegation Panel which consists of the Chairman, Vice Chairman and Opposition. If considered the appropriate course of action, those elected members can instruct that Committee determines the application.

When applications need to go to Planning Committee, officers write a report and recommendation which is presented to the members of the Planning Committee. Public speaking at Planning Committee is allowed strictly in accordance with an agreed Protocol

Decision notices are normally issued within 3 working days of the decision being made. When an application is refused clear reasons will be given as to why it is not acceptable. The application fee paid is to process the application and is not refunded if an application is refused. The Council will be happy to discuss changes that may lead to a favourable decision on a revised application. The decision notice gives advice on how to appeal. Only the applicant has the right of appeal against a decision or conditions imposed.

Once a decision has been issued to the applicant the decision notice will be posted on the UkPlanning website.

A list of all decisions made is published weekly and available on this website.

Planning applications can be viewed online. Before work commences on site there may be other consents that are required.


You can report an issue anonymously, but by registering your details you can track the progress of your report and receive updates as it is processed.

If you’ve already registered using the My Monmouthshire app, currently available on AppleAndroid and Windows devices, then you can use the same email and password to log-in.

When Work Happens Without Planning Permission

Breaches of planning control can either be reported in writing, via the telephone or submitted at a Community Hub . When reporting a breach the individual should provide their name and address and as much detail about the activity and its location. The matter will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Anonymous complaints can be difficult to investigate and these will only be responded to if there appears to be a serious breach of planning control.

A breach of planning control includes:

  • Carrying out building operations or changing the use of a property without planning permission
  • Building not in accordance with the approved plan or not complying with conditions of a planning permission
  • Carrying out works to or demolition of a listed building without Listed Building Consent
  • Certain demolition works within a conservation area
  • Displaying certain signs or advertisements without consent
  • Felling or carrying our works to a tree which is protected by a Tree Preservation Order or within a conservation area

There are many activities and works that do not require planning permission, including various minor building works, which are “permitted development” and changes of use that are not material.

The Council has discretion to decide whether to commence formal action. It will normally only do so where there is significant harm to public amenity. Action will not be taken simply because there has been a breach of control.

The Council has regard to the guidance set out by the Welsh Assembly Government in Technical Advice Note 9 – Enforcement of Planning Control.

The Council may request information by serving what is known as a Planning Contravention Notice.

Formal action will normally involve serving an Enforcement or Breach of Condition Notice.

Enforcement cases can take a long time to resolve. This will happen where a case is complex or it is difficult to establish whether a breach has occurred or there is an appeal against a notice.

Where building operations or a change of use to a single dwelling have been carried out in breach of planning control, in excess of 4 years previous, the development becomes lawful and immune from enforcement action.

Where a material change of use of land or any other breach of planning has occurred in excess of 10 years, that development becomes lawful and immune from enforcement action.

A person who wishes to establish whether a use,operation or activity is lawful in planning terms may apply to the Council for a Lawful Existing Use or Development Certificate.

Working files on enforcement cases are not open for public inspection.


Applicants who are aggrieved by the decision of the Local Planning Authority regarding a planning application can appeal to the National Assembly for Wales.

Any appeal must be made within six months of the date of the decision notice using the online form available from the Planning Portal or at Cathays Park, Cardiff CF1 3NQ.

An appeal can be made against:

  • A refusal
  • Non determination
  • A condition

The National Assembly can allow a longer period for the giving of a notice of an appeal. They will not normally be prepared to use this power unless there are special circumstances that excuse the delay in giving notice of appeal.

An appeal must be submitted to the Planning Inspectorate and a copy sent to the Council.

The Council administers the consultation and publicity on appeals but the Planning Inspectorate is responsible for all other aspects of the process. A comprehensive guide to appeals is available from the Planning Portal.
An Inspector is appointed to determine the appeal. Some cases may be referred to the National Assembly Planning Decision Committee.

There is a choice of 3 appeal procedures. In all cases an Inspector is appointed to determine the appeal.

  • Written Representations – the applicant and the local planning authority make written statements to be considered by the Inspector
  • Informal Hearing – written statements are prepared as above but all parties appear in person before the Inspector
  • Public Inquiry – this is a formal process, all parties appear before the Inspector, normally with legal representation and cross-examination

There are strict deadlines for all parties to make their statements or representations on appeals.

Carrying out the work

Before building work starts, it is important to remember that there may be other areas of legislation under which consent may need to be granted.

  • Building Regulations
  • Environment Agency
  • Environmental Health
  • Glamorgan Gwent Archaeological Trust
  • Highways
  • Public Rights of Way
    If there is a need to stop-up or divert a public right of way to allow development to be carried out, an application should be made to Monmouthshire County Council, for an order under Section 257 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990.
    The development should not be started until the order has been confirmed. Forms are available from the Public Rights of Way Officer, County Hall, Cwmbran , NP44 2XH . Tel 01633 644861
  • Dwr Cymru/Welsh Water

The following may also need to be considered:

Access for disabled people

Buildings where there is public access and new dwellings (including conversions) must comply with:

  • The Building Regulations (1999) – Access and facilities for disabled people, Approved Document M; and BS 8300: 2001 – Design of buildings and their approaches to meet the needs of disabled people – Code of Practice.
  • New and converted dwellings should have at least a level threshold, a minimum 800mm wide main door and a downstairs toilet.

It is important that any conditions and informative within the planning permission and the approved plans are complied with. The notes accompanying planning permissions offer advice. The Councils’ Planning Enforcement Officer will monitor developments being carried out for compliance with permissions and conditions; and to take necessary action to rectify breaches before building work starts.

It is important to remember that there may be other areas of legislation under which consent may need to be granted.

Planning Aid Wales

Planning Aid Wales is an independent charity providing advice and support on all aspects of land use planning in Wales.

Visit or call the planning helpline service on 02920 625 000 for more information.