Visit MyMonmouthshire to find out when your waste & recycling will be collected.When is my collection day?
Please place your recycling and waste out by 7am.
Food Waste bags will remain free for Monmouthshire residents – Read More
Are the usual suspects getting locked up in your food caddy? Watch the video here
Free food waste bags are available from your local Community Hub or recycling bag outlet.
Replacement blue bins and grey caddies are available to collect from your local Community Hub.
Download our leaflet explaining What goes in which bag.
We provide a weekly food waste collection service for cooked and raw food from the kerbside in a blue food waste bin.
Your blue food waste bin should be placed at the kerbside by 7am on the morning of your collection.
How to use the food waste service

Line your grey kitchen caddy with one of our dedicated food waste bags.
Alternatively you can now place small plastic bags such as bread bags or frozen food bags in your caddy. Find out more here: Frequently Asked Questions
When it is full, place the food waste bag in the blue food waste bin ready for collection.
Free dedicated food waste bags, grey kitchen caddies and blue food waste bins are available from your local Community Hub.
Please do not put liquids or liquid fats in this collection.
Can I put food waste in my garden waste bag?
No kitchen food sorry, all food waste including peelings must be put in your food waste box and not in the garden waste bag. This is particularly important as food will be collected separately to garden waste. Food waste is now being sent to a separate anaerobic digestion facility. Garden waste will be composted locally and so cannot contain any kitchen food waste. Alternatively food waste can be composted at home.
What happens to the material?
Welsh Government legislation now requires us to collect food and garden waste separately. The food waste will be going to anaerobic digestion in Bridgend which creates electricity and soil fertiliser. Garden will be sent to be composted locally at a facility in Abergavenny. Find out more about how food waste creates electricity.
‘Love Food Hate Waste’
For handy tips on using up your food leftovers in tasty recipes and other money saving advice visit love food hate waste
Home composting
Home composting your Food & Garden Waste is an environmentally friendly option. You can buy a compost bin from your local garden centre.
Visit Recycle for Wales for more information about how to compost at home, including a beginners guide video.