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An important element of the CIL preparation process involves the carrying out of an infrastructure assessment.

The report to Council on 27 June 2013 included, as an Appendix, a  Draft Infrastructure Plan (IP). Annex 1 of the IP listed the infrastructure necessary for delivering the Deposit LDP strategic sites. Annex 2 listed potential place-making’ and other infrastructure projects by settlement to enable initial consideration of the options that could be included in the IP, particularly if CIL funding is to become available.

Further work has been carried out to the IP as an Addendum (November 2015). This updates the 2013 version by providing an overview of what categories/types of infrastructure could be (part) funded by CIL and what will continue to be brought forward through S106. The infrastructure projects were reassessed and reflect the latest position on requirements, costs, timing and funding sources. The IP Addendum was published to accompany the consultation on the CIL Draft Charging Schedule.

The Council wished to better understand the relationship between infrastructure planning, CIL and other funding and community engagement. It, therefore, sought advice on how to best approach the setting of priorities and governance arrangements. In particular, the Council was interested in how to tackle infrastructure prioritisation and delivery within the context of Place Plans and the Whole Place approach. Making use of grant support from the Welsh Government, Parkwood Consultancy Services were commissioned to provide a report on ‘Infrastructure planning and funding and relationship with Place Plans’. The report was produced in two parts:

  • Part 1 (July 2016) reviewed the Whole Place approach as operated within Monmouthshire and considered examples of good practice from local authorities within Wales and England in respect of infrastructure planning and community involvement. It also examined examples from England of approaches to joint planning between local authorities.
  • Part 2 (August 2016, amended May 2017) reflected on the research carried out in Part 1 and presented a range of governance and funding options for the Council that could be considered for taking forward with the implementation of CIL.