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As part of the Second Call for Candidate Sites to ensure sufficient evidence is provided on a site’s deliverability and viability, additional detailed information will be required to support any Candidate Site submissions, we therefore require the submission of baseline ecological information.

The below Ecological Site Assessment Methodology will assist you in this process, setting out templates you should follow and guidelines of the information required in the undertaking of the necessary assessments.

Ecological Site Assessments of Candidate Sites Methodology December 2020

Executive Summary to Ecological Site Assessments of Candidate Sites Methodology December 2020

If you have any specific queries relating to the Ecological Site Assessment Methodology please contact the Green Infrastructure & Countryside Team on 01633 644850 or via email

In addition to this, GIS (Geographical Information Systems) data in the format of shape files must be provided to provide visual representation of the ecological status of each site. The below guidance notes and template shapefiles will need to be used.

GIS Layers

A list of Monmouthshire County Council’s Ecological Consultants can be found here.

The Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management may also be useful for help in finding an ecological consultant.

Supporting information to inform the Ecological Site Assessments as provided within the methodology

Site Appraisals shall be presented in a report and describe the existing ecological value of the proposed LDP sites, principally based on botanical survey to determine habitat type(s) and value but with consideration of other potential Protected or Priority species that may be present. Sites must be also assessed for their potential to qualify wholly or in part as Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs) using the Guidelines for the Selection of Wildlife Sites in South Wales adapted for Monmouthshire as provided below.

If you have prepared an ecological site assessment and supporting GIS in 2019 or 2020 in line with this methodology, it can be used for your submission in 2021.