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Strategic Leadership Team

Paul Matthews

Chief Executive

Peter Davies

Deputy Chief Executive

Will McLean

Chief Officer – Children and Young People

Frances O’Brien

Chief Officer – Communities and Place

Jane Rogers

Chief Officer – Social Care, Safeguarding and Health

Matthew Gatehouse

Chief Officer – People, Performance and Partnerships

Ian Saunders

Chief Officer – Customer, Culture and Wellbeing

James Williams

Chief Officer – Law and Governance

Children and Young People

Will McLean

Chief Officer – Children
and Young People

Sharon Randall-Smith

Head of Achievement and Attainment

Ian Hardman

Emergency Planning

Cath Saunders

Sustainable Community
for Learning Programme

Nikki Wellington

Resources and School
Support Lead

Morwenna Wagstaff

Head of Inclusion

Communities and Place

Frances O’Brien

Chief Officer –
Communities and Place

Cath Fallon

Head of Enterprise and
Community Animation

Carl Touhig

Head of Neighbourhood Services

Hannah Jones

Head of Economy,
Employment and Skills

Deb Hill-Howells

Head of Decarbonisation,
Transport and Support

Craig O’Connor

Head of Planning

Kirsty-Lee Jones

Strategic Operations

Law and Governance

James Williams

Chief Officer – Law and

John Pearson

Local Democracy Manager

Jo Chase

Head of Commercial Law

Caryl Gray

Head of Litigation and
Family Law

Tudur Baldwin

Land Charges Officer


Peter Davies

Deputy Chief Executive

Nick Keyse

Head of Landlord and
Commercial Services


Head of Digital Design
and Innovation

Sian Hayward

Head of Information,
Technology and Security

Kate Thompson

Corporate Health and
Safety Manager

Jonathan Davies

Head of Finance

Jan Furtek

Chief Internal Auditor

Social Care, Safeguarding and Health

Jane Rodgers

Head of Social Care,
Safeguarding and Health

Diane Corrister

Jenny Jenkins

Head of Adult Services

Claire Robins

Service Manager

Dave Jones

Head of Public Protection

People, Performance and Partnerships

Matthew Gatehouse

Chief Officer People,
Performance and

Katherine Cameron

Head of Systems and

Hazel Clatworthy

Sustainability Policy

Lisa Knight-Davies

Head of Organisation and
Workforce Development

Annette Evans

Customer Relations

Hazel Ilett

Scrutiny Manager

Richard Jones

Performance and Data
Insight Manager

Sharran Lloyd

Strategic Partnerships

Philippa Green

Head of HR

Pennie Walker

Equalities and Welsh
Language Manager

Customer, Culture and Wellbeing – MonLife

Ian Saunders

Chief Officer Customer,
Culture and Wellbeing

Matthew Lewis

Environment and Culture

Nick John

Leisure Services Manager

Richard Drinkwater

Community Hubs,
Community Education
& Libraries

Cheryl Haskell

Operations Manager:
Community Hubs,
Customer Care & Contact

Tracey Thomas

Workforce and Visitor
Attractions Services

Stacey Jones

Finance and Resources

Paul Sullivan

Active Travel,
Communications and
Engagement Manager