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If you, or an adult you know is being abused, hurt or bullied please report it.

Report an adult at risk

Protection of Vulnerable Adults Information – General Information

Keeping yourself safe from abuse 2014

When you’ve been abused – how the process protects you 2014

Wales Adult Protection Policy and Procedure

In an emergency, please call 999 to report a vulnerable adult at risk.

  • Monday – Friday 9am to 5pm we operate a duty service in each locality.
  • If you are reporting an adult at risk who lives in South Monmouthshire, you can speak to someone on telephone number 01291 635666.
  • If you are reporting an adult at risk who lives in Abergavenny area, you can speak to someone on telephone number 01873 735885.
  • If you are reporting an adult at risk who lives in Monmouth area, you can speak to someone on telephone number 01600 775100.
  • Outside of office hours you can contact the Adult Services Emergency Duty Team on 0800 3284432.

How do I know if a vulnerable adult is at risk?

Some adults are particularly vulnerable to being hurt or abused because they have a disability, illness, or impairment and need help and support.  Depending on others can sometimes make them vulnerable and at risk of abuse, very often from people they know.  It isn’t always intentional…but it’s still abuse.

Abuse of a vulnerable adult may include the following:

  • Physical or sexual abuse.
  • Not being looked after properly.
  • Being bullied or humiliated.
  • Not being allowed contact with family or friends.
  • Money is being taken from them without permission.
  • Abuse can be the result of a single act or may continue over months or years. It can be accidental or a deliberate act – the result on the victim is the same.

What should I do if someone tells me about their harm or abuse?

If someone tells you they are being abused stay calm and listen, take what they say seriously.  The person being abused must be the one to make any decisions about who to contact and what action to take, provided they have the mental capacity to do so.  If a person does not have the mental capacity to make this decision than you should act in their best interests.

If a person is in immediate danger, or if the person experiencing abuse is not considered to be a vulnerable adult then contact the police.

If a person is considered to be a vulnerable adult then contact Social Services on the above telephone numbers.

If you suspect institutional abuse contact the manager of the institution and/or Social Services or the Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales.

Care and Social Services Inspectorate Wales

I am being mistreated – what should I do?

It is important that you tell someone that you can trust.  This may be a friend, a neighbour or someone you work with.  There are also local and national organisations that you can talk to, see below for details.  Talking to someone that you can trust can help you to find a way to make things better.

If your immediate safety is at risk you must call the police on 999.

If you feel unable to protect yourself then you should contact Social Services as they are the agency responsible for responding to concerns about abuse and they will help you to decide what to do, and to support you in managing the situation.  Social services will work with you, the police and any other organisations that may help you to find the best solution to your situation.

Anybody may experience mistreatment or abuse, men and women, people in same sex relationships and heterosexual relationships.  It is not your fault and you should not feel ashamed.  Nobody deserves to be treated badly.

Tell Someone

If you have been abused or are being abused you may feel ashamed, confused or depressed.  You may think it is your own fault and you may feel that you are on your own and nobody can help you.  However, nobody deserves to be abused.

You also could contact the police, particularly if you are experiencing domestic abuse or hate crime.  The police will listen to your concerns and help you to manage your situation with their support.  Some forms of abuse are criminal and should be reported to the police, who will investigate and prosecute as they would any other crime.

What help can you expect?

We will take your call very seriously.  We will listen to you and treat everything that you say in the strictest confidence.  We will help you to think about the choices that you have and will provide practical help and emotional support to help you manage the situation.

Monmouthshire Multi Agency Centre
National Domestic Violence Helpline
Stop Hate UK  – information and support on hate crime
Action on Elder Abuse
Victim Support

What should I do if an allegation is made about me?

When an allegation has been made against you 2014

When an allegation has been made against you – for staff and care workers 2014