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PCYP002 – Additional Learning Needs Transport

The costs for transporting pupils with Additional Learning Needs is increasing, both in compulsory education and for those continuing in post 16 education.
We propose to review of the current transport arrangements to see if a
more economic model can be developed. Review of the current risk
assessments for pupils to see if efficiencies can be made from sharing
transport rather than transporting in individual taxis. Investing in
these pressures will enable pupils to continue accessing education

CENT022 -Passenger Transport Unit – Service Transformation

Changes to school catchment areas have created increased pressures
for our home to school transport and the costs of maintaining the
council’s fleet of buses and mini buses is increasing.
Improvement work is ongoing to ensure that the routes that our
Passenger Transport Unit delivers are efficient, affordable and
accessible, this will include looking at optimum routes for our vehicles and increased marketing activities to maximise income.  

Grass routes – this is an asset to our rural communities, however we are
proposing to change the way payment is made for travel.
With the aim to making payments via an online system.