On Wednesday, 15th May, Chepstow Community Hub and Library will host a dementia awareness and information day.
The event, which will be held between 10am and 2pm, will allow residents to learn more about the services and support available within the county.
Officers from Monmouthshire County Council’s Assistive Tech team will showcase the innovative work they are doing to improve people’s lives with new technology. Museum Services will demonstrate their dementia-friendly session activities and Library Services will showcase a selection of dementia books and memory boxes that are available to borrow.
The Library officers will also be available to share information and answer questions about their Adult Education courses and the one-to-one IT sessions available to residents.
We will also welcome partners from across the community to the event.
Local advisors from the Alzheimer’s Society will be attending to provide information and answer questions from residents. Age Cymru Gwent will also be on hand to answer questions.
Throughout the event, Chepstow Community Hub and Library will be raising money for the Alzheimer’s Society through donations for teas, coffees and cakes. Visitors will also have the opportunity to purchase badges and brooches made by Community Hub officers and the Knit and Natter group.
Monmouthshire County Council’s Cabinet Member for Equalities and Engagement, Cllr Angela Sandles, said: “Monmouthshire County Council is dedicated to helping all our residents. This is a perfect opportunity for residents to speak to officers and gain information on the services available to them, their families and people they care for.”
If you want to learn more about services available in Monmouthshire, please come along on the 15th of May to speak to officers.
If any organisations would like to be part of the event, please email chepstowhub@monmouthshire.gov.uk.
Tags: Chepstow, community, Monmouthshire, news