Monmouthshire County Council is launching a three-month consultation and is inviting residents to have their say. The Active Travel consultation is a requirement by Welsh Government under the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013. The consultation outlines draft proposals to encourage more cycling and walking.
Draft Maps (called Integrated Network Maps) have been developed which show suggested routes for improvement for settlements in Monmouthshire. These are available to view online from August 1st until October 31st, 2020.
The Mon Life service within the Council has worked hard over the past six months to increase the focus on Active Travel. The aim is to encourage those who can, to leave their cars at home when travelling to work, shops, schools, a place of leisure or to get to a train station. Active Travel is not about walking and cycling for leisure but it could also significantly enhance leisure activities by helping link up existing path and road networks, and is an important contributor in addressing the current climate emergency – helping to reduce vehicle emissions. It also has the benefit of improving physical and mental wellbeing.
“This is an exciting opportunity to enhance our towns and villages long-term, but we need residents, businesses and partners to engage with the consultation process and let us know what they think in order to move forward,” said Councillor Richard John, Cabinet Member with responsibility for Active Travel. “The past six months have seen a great deal of work applying for funding and analysing the network and I hope that they inspire and resonate with residents. They offer a real chance to build a better future for Monmouthshire, its residents and its environment.”

Photo: Councillor Richard John, Cabinet Member for Active Travel
“We value the opinions of every section of the community, in fact it is essential not only to move forward with the best plans possible, but to be considered for further funding in the future. We’ll also be working with all primary and secondary schools from September to give children and young people the opportunity to feedback,” said Councillor John.
The Active Travel consultation will showcase digital maps and suggest clear priorities to improve the infrastructure for the future. This is an opportunity for children, young people, adults and businesses to feedback on the draft priorities, suggested routes, identify facilities needed. Due to the restrictions in place as a result of COVID-19, digital consultation is a key part of the process. There will be webinars in addition to socially distanced face-to-face events.
Following the consultation period all responses will be analysed and suggested routes assessed. This will enable Monmouthshire County Council to develop a more cohesive network within the county’s towns and villages to encourage more walking and cycling in the future.
Details about the webinars, the interactive maps and residents’ surveys can be found on the council’s website: